Hello. This visualisation aims to show the comparison between the number of power plants per fuel type and the amount of fuel generated per fuel type. the main comparison is Solar.
Name of Tool: Tableau
Country: United Kingdom
Year: 2018
Visual Mappings:
Visualisation 1:
Colour: primary_fuel
Size: CNT(primary_fuel)
Filter: Can filter by primary_fuel type
Label: primary_fuel, CNT(primary_fuel)
Visualisation 2:
Colour: primary_fuel
Size: SUM(estimated_generation_gwh)
Filter: Can filter by primary_fuel type
Label: country_long, SUM(estimated_generation_gwh)
Unique Observation: The UK has far more Solar power plants(1,092) compared to Gas(55) or Coal(8), yet produces far less energy, only 4,050GWH compared to Gas with 100,670GWH or Coal with 102,014GWH.
Data Preparation: The data has been filtered to only use data from the United Kingdom.
- Is my chosen visualisation method appropriate?
- is the comparison between the number of solar plants and the energy generated from solar clear?
- What can be improved?