Tree Map for the amount of power plants across the globe

I have created a Treemap representing the amount of power plants across the globle, and the amount of capacity for each fuel type. I am new to creating treemaps so if there is anyone can give me some advice on this visualisation that would be great.


Image :

Source :

Visual Design Type : Tree Map
Name of Tool : Tableau
Country : USA, China, UK, France, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Spain, India, Russia
Year : All available dates

Visual Mappings :

  • Colour : Capacity(mw). Based on the amount of capacity.
  • Mark : Square/ Rectangle
  • Size : Total number of power plant with specific fuel type,

Data Preparation:
Filters out countries with low amount of power plants.
Calculate the sum of the capacity of the power plants.

Unique Observations :

  1. United States of America has the most amount of power plant in the world.
  2. Coal power plants in China has the most electricity capacity in the world.
  3. In the United States of America, the most electricity capacity fuel type is Gas.
  4. Although China has almost the same amount of Coal and Hydro power plants, Coal power plants has a much higher capacity comparing to Hydro power plants

Questions :

  1. I have tested out a few different colour and Red gives the best visual result in my opinion, however I think this is not the most optimal colour. Is there a recommanded colour of choice?
  2. Should I use the generated electricity instead of capacity for this treemap?
  3. Is this visualisation clear or is there any advice that I should further improve my treemap for a better visualisation?
  1. have tested out a few different colour and Red gives the best visual result in my opinion, however I think this is not the most optimal colour. Is there a recommanded colour of choice?
    I would most likely check the colour palette tableau 10 to batch colour blind standards (if this is available on your legend)

  2. Should I use the generated electricity instead of capacity for this treemap?
    This would depend on what you would like to be shown

  3. Is this visualisation clear or is there any advice that I should further improve my treemap for a better visualisation?
    You have a scale of numbers for measure, but you do not display the measure in the tree grid, i would add a label for per plant capacity to the information in the tree blocks also. If you do this you can further improve by labelling the measure as capacity (in marks, use the label button to type out the name, e.g. capacity: )