The 30 Largest Energy Producing Countries

Hello, I’m Adam a student at Swansea University. As part of the module we were asked to create data visualizations for the global power plant database:
I have come on here to ask how could my visual design be improved.

Image :

Visual Design Type : Scatter Plot

Name of Tool : Tableau

Countries : The 30 largest countries by gigawatt hours (GwH) produced in 2014.

Year : 2014

Visual Mappings :
X axis: amount of energy (GwH) produced by the country (logarithmically scaled).
Image: Each point has an image of the country flag.
Size: The total capacity of all recorded power plants in the country.

Unique Observation :
We can see that, maybe not suprisingly, China and the U.S. come out on top for energy generation. Both countries significantly outpace any other in terms of energy generation. Germany is the biggest European producer of energy.

Data Preparation : The GPPD includes both estimated data for 2014 as well as recorded data. So that I can access as much data as possible provided by the dataset I grouped these together (after some sanity checks) into one field.

Questions : I chose not to use a linear scale as China and the U.S. are such big outliers that they make it difficult to compare the rest of the countries. Is this an appropriate solution to that problem?

Does the data read clearly?

Do you think that including flags in the visualization will help or hinder understanding?

I also generated similar insight with a map visualization but found it hard to easily contrast between countries? Are there any better visualization techniques I could have used? Do you think this technique provides additional insight over a map based visualization?

Hello, this is my suggestion regarding your question. I hope it helps you.

I chose not to use a linear scale as China and the U.S. are such big outliers that they make it difficult to compare the rest of the countries. Is this an appropriate solution to that problem?
=> You can filer China and the U.S from the list of countries and make a plot. I made a solution on way2.

Does the data read clearly?
=> Honestly, it took some time to understand your data because of chartjunk. I believe flags are not necessary to comprehend the information represented on the graph and distract the viewers from the information.
You can find more information about chartjunk at this link.
Chartjunk - Wikipedia

Do you think that including flags in the visualization will help or hinder understanding?
=> flags can be chartjunk since you have too many images and colors

I also generated similar insight with a map visualization but found it hard to easily contrast between countries? Are there any better visualization techniques I could have used? Do you think this technique provides additional insight over a map based visualization?
=> I would like to suggest some ways to visualize a comparison among countries’ estimated generation Gwh in 2014.
there are many counties that have NULL values, so I removed them in my visualization.

Way1: When you want to see a comparison among countries’ estimated generation Gwh in 2014. I would like to recommend you to have a bar chart and order countries by the number of estimated generation Gwh decreasing order.

Way2: As you mentioned, if you mind China and USA having big amounts of estimated generation Gwh, you can remove them. Then, you can see more details and find insight from the other countries.

way3: If you want to see trends among continents such as Europe, Asia, etc. You can use a geo graph with color, amounts of estimated generation Gwh are scaled from 0 to 100000 with 5 steps.

way4: If you want to use different colors and if the estimated generation Gwh has a negative or positive meaning, you can use a blue and red scaled geo graph. Amounts of estimated generation Gwh are scaled from 0 to 100000 with 5 steps from blue to red.

I uploaded my Tableau file on
open-source/ at main · ccocco1/open-source (

I hope my suggestion is helpful for you.