Data Set:
Visual Design Type: Map
Name of Tool: Tableau
Country: China
Years: 2017
Visual Mappings: Map shows the location of power plants in China. Each dot represents a power plant based of its longitude and latitude. Each dot has a colour that represents the type of energy source used in that power plant.
Unique Observations: Hydro and Coal account for most of the power generated in China. Wind farms are located in the north of the country, which high wind speeds ideals for wind energy production.
Data Preparation:
- Countries are filtered to only include China.
- Colours are edited to uniquely represent each power source.
Is this an effective way to show the groupings of energy types in China? Can things such as colour and the overall look of the Map be improved upon?
Thanks very much for taking the time to look at my graph, and for any feedback you may have!