Guideline: Know Your Audience
The approach, to design data visualization specifically targeted to a group of users, is clearly powerful.
And the manual application of this guideline not only allows for a careful consideration of all implications but also clearly show limiting gaps of our understanding of the end-user.
As a developer of big data tools I find these gaps to close rapidly. With the continued research into data visualization and with the increasing accuracy and power of big data tools, it seems inevitable that in the future we will have dynamically adapting visualizations that allow to target a multitude of users simultaneously.
As a sceptic I must also concede that our tract record of getting things right the first time around (or how ever many iterations the models need) is quite poor. And in contrast to the optimization of ad-buys, the implications of a systematic bias to the access to data is ethically very concerning. Yet it has been quite difficult to find fleshed out guidelines in neither the big data nor the data visualization fields.
Is it ethical to make use of big data tools that enables us to dynamically adapt visualization designs in order for us to"better" target the person accessing our service?