Distribution of power plants across the globe


Name of tool : Tableau Student Edition
Country:All countries within the data set
Year : 2017
Visual Design Type : Map
X-Axis, Y-Axis : Latittude, Longtitude
Mark : Circle
Colour : Primary Fuel(Colorblind encoded)
Source: http://datasets.wri.org/dataset/globalpowerplantdatabase
Unique Observations : Countries around Europe seem to have the largest concentration of power plants that use renewable resources.
Solar and hydro powerplants are usually found close to powerplants of the same type.
First world countries have a larger concentration of powerplants.
Powerplants are often found clustered together.
**I created this visualization with the intent of getting a general feel of the spread of the types of powerplants across the globe. Is there a better visual layout or design I could have used to visualize the information more effectively, or perhaps more information could be convey with certain details on command? I feel like the conclusions that could be drawn from the image is lackluster at best. **

Hi, I would say this is a good starting point for a map visualisation as it does show the general spread of power plants across the globe, however:

It’s a bit hard to tell apart different power plant types globally when zoomed out (the fact that there are a few similar shades of colours used for different primary fuels contributes to this), maybe playing with the colour scheme and using an additional visualisation to the side of the existent one showing the total numbers of power plants per primary fuel type, in the form of a chart, can give more perspective.

As another suggestion, you could also incorporate a visualisation portraying estimated power generation at global level for each primary fuel type to include more information, perhaps setting this measure to affect the size of the circles.