Countries By Their Most Numerous Fuel Type


I am a student at Swansea university who is studying computer science. For a data visualisation module I have been asked to produce some visualisations based on the Global Power Plant Database. The visualisation is shown below

Thank you for your time


  • Visual Design Type: Map

  • Name Of Tool: Tableau

  • Country: Global

  • Year: All years in the database

  • Visual Mapping:
    Colour: Indicates primary fuel type
    X-Axis: Longitude
    Y-Axis: Latitude

  • Observation: From this visualisation we can see each countries most numerous primary fuel type i.e the fuel type used by most of its plants.

  • Data Preparation:
    The database was loaded into tableau as a csv file.
    An index was calculated & used to order countries by their most numerous primary fuel type.
    The countries were then filtered to only include their most numerous fuel type.



  1. Does the visual design make sense?:
  2. Is my choice of colour ideal?:
  3. How can the visual design be improved?:
  4. Are there any other types of visualisations that would be better for this purpose?:

Yes the visual design makes sense, although it’s a bit hard to differentiate between the colours light blue and dark blue. I think the visual design could be improved by changing the colour scheme. Maybe a treemap could be good for this purpose as well.