Assessing a Treemap created by Tableau

Visual design type: Treemap
Name of tool: Tableau
Country: United States of America
Disease: Influenza
Year: 1919-1951
Data Prepartion: No extra data preparation was taken
Mapping: Colour is mapped to the number of fatalities in each state and the size of each state shows the number of records of influenza the state recorded in that time period

Source: Data set used(DOI) : 10.25337/T7/ptycho.v2.0/US.6142004

*Hi, I am a student from Swansea University that as part of an assignment we are to visualise datasets from the Project tycho datasets : . In this assignment we need to produce a treemap in which we need to describe its features such as:

  • its data hierarchy

  • what the leaf node size is mapped too

  • how the leaf nodes are laid out

  • what are the internal nodes mapped too

  • what tree node layout algorithm is used

My question therefore is, is there a way to retrieve this data from tableau so that I can be sure what layout algorithm has been used or to know how the leaf nodes have been positioned or do I have to use resources such as and attempt to match the output to the algorithm (in this case)?


You won’t be able to answer these questions by retrieving the data from Tableau.
You’ll have to look into some literature on the topic. This paper might help:

Liam McNabb and Robert S. Laramee, Survey of Surveys (SoS)-Mapping the Landscape of Survey Papers in Information Visualization in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , Volume 36, Number 3, (June) 2017, pages 589-617,

BTW, I can see that your treemap does not contain a proper hierarchy just from
looking at it.